Engineering services in field of relay protection and control systems for medium and high voltage power systems
Delivery, configuration, testing and commissioning of protection and control devices for medium and high voltage power substations
Delivery, configuration, testing and commissioning of remote terminal unit (RTU) and remote-control elements in medium voltage power grid. Delivery, configuration, testing and commissioning of SCADA systems for power substations
Equipment selection, system optimisation, design, user trainings, studies, maintenance of existing systems, complete solutions

About us
Electroconsult LLC was established in 2012. At first, it was registered as design office in field of power systems and then, as a result of a continuous growth, it became a limited liability company.
From the very beginning, we are focused to engineering services for electrical power management, gradually expanding our field of business: first experience in electrical substation 110/20 kV we had in 2012, first remote monitoring and control systems of medium voltage power grid we commissioned in 2015, and first SCADA system we built in 2016. Our team consisted of 8 permanently employed engineers in 2018.
By focusing to the development of our employees, constant learning and acquiring new partners, we are investing to the future and gaining a reputation among our colleagues. We believe that best is yet in front of us.